Subject - Military
Sold - De Dollarpoliep The Dollar Polyp WWII £750.00 /
- Deceived Brothers In White Guard Trenches £2,250.00 /
- Defeat Fascist Attackers USSR WWII £3,750.00 /
- Develop Radiosport USSR DOSAAF £250.00 /
- Do It Right Make It Bite WWII £1,200.00 /
- DOSAAF Mass Defense Sports USSR £150.00 /
Sold - Economy Waste Peace WWII Abram Games £1,750.00 /
- Enemy Will Be Destroyed Stalin WWII USSR £2,750.00 /
- Engagez Vous Indochine Colonial Troops £950.00 /
- Everyone Should Do His Bit Scout WWI UK £750.00 /
- Fight For Freedom Half Slave Free WWII £550.00 /
- Fight For King And Empire WWI UK £175.00 /
- For A Free Homeland Militia WWII USSR £1,700.00 /
- For Peace Soviet Army USSR £325.00 /
- For The Defence Of The Motherland WWII USSR £2,200.00 /