Subject - Military
- Glory To The Soviet Armed Forces USSR £500.00 /
- Glory to the Soviet Navy Sailors USSR £350.00 /
- Glory To The Soviet People USSR £975.00 /
- Glory To The Soviet Rocketeers USSR £275.00 /
- Glory To Women 8 March USSR £550.00 /
- Great Ancestors USSR Stalin WWII £1,250.00 /
- Great Britain Will Pursue Japan WWII Plane £3,250.00 /
- Great Britain Will Pursue Japan WWII Tank £2,750.00 /
- Guarding Peaceful Labour USSR £425.00 /
- Guide The Fighter Planes WWII £450.00 /
- Happy New Year Military Bookshop USSR £240.00 /
- Hark The Dogs Do Bark WWI Dogs Of War £2,750.00 /
- Hello Soviet Football Players TASS No 1392 USSR £2,250.00 /
- Help Madrid Win Spanish Civil War Pedrero £5,500.00 /
- Heroes On The Somme WWI Hungary £1,200.00 /
- His Rifle Will Fire WWII Abram Games £1,550.00 /