Sold Sold - Heroes On The Somme WWI Hungary £1,200.00 /
- If You Can Use Tools You Are Wanted WWI £450.00 /
- In The Flames of Shantana Silent Cinema Russia £1,750.00 /
- Independence Day USA France WWI £350.00 /
- International Import Fair Ludwig Hohlwein £1,200.00 /
- Invest WWI V Victory £750.00 /
- Italy Riviera Ligura £2,750.00 /
Sold Sold - Join At Once Fight For Flag WWI UK Recruitment £2,500.00 /
- Join Brave Throng Large WWI UK £750.00 /
Sold - Join the French Metropole Troops WWI £750.00 /
- Join The Tank Corps Recruitment Propaganda £4,500.00 /
Sold Sold - Kathreiner Weine Wine Ludwig Hohlwein £2,750.00 /