Propaganda Posters
The graphic language of Big Brother spoken with clarity through these original vintage propaganda posters from around the world.
- Fisherman Excuses Bill Jones £450.00 /
- Five Year Plan Lenin Stalin £700.00 /
- Flags Friendship Peace Labour USSR £1,550.00 /
- Flugtag Bavaria Pilots £1,200.00 /
- Football League Of Irkutsk £1,250.00 /
- For Peace Soviet Army USSR £325.00 /
- For The Defence Of The Motherland WWII USSR £2,200.00 /
- For The Good Of The People USSR £450.00 /
- Forward Royal Highland Fusiliers £450.00 /
- Forward With Party of Lenin USSR £375.00 /
- Francais Au Travail French At Work £450.00 /
- French Air Force Armee France Nord 2501 £450.00 /
- French Air Force WWII Propeller Plane France £2,250.00 /
Sold - French Cavalry Tanks Horses Cavalerie France £1,250.00 /
- French Empire Defence Army Recruitment £650.00 /
Propaganda Posters
The graphic language of Big Brother spoken with clarity through these original vintage propaganda posters from around the world.