Propaganda Posters - Military Recruitment
- Military Aviation Air Show Aarau £2,750.00 /
- Motherland Bother Guard Soviet Army USSR £275.00 /
- Motherland Needs Good Soldier Communist £450.00 /
- National Socialist Flying Corps Germany £2,750.00 /
- No Barriers Red Army Civil War USSR £2,500.00 /
- October Revolution Czechoslovakia Lenin £550.00 /
- October Revolution Motherland Glory USSR £450.00 /
- Our Women Are With Us USSR £1,450.00 /
- Parachute Regiment Recruitment UK £550.00 /
- People And Army United USSR £575.00 /
- Peoples Militia is Root of Victory £350.00 /
- Pilotes D'Avions Air Force Pilots £2,750.00 /
- Pioneer Diligent Student Discipline USSR £450.00 /