The Antiques Trade Gazette feature AntikBar's original vintage Olympic poster collection: "The 2012 Games have finally hurdled into London with the start on July 27. The Olympics are just one theme of the speciality posters that online dealer AntikBar sells online and at fairs... For an online business, fairs are a good way to attract poster and emphemera collectors other than web customers... also on social media; Poster of the Day is very popular on Twitter. There has been growing interest in the collection of Olympics and crossover sports posters since early this year with press coverage of the Games ensuring a steady stream of sales." The full article is on page 47, issue 2051.
Also: the latest AntikBar blog article "Summer of Sport 2012: The Olympic Games" is now on our WordPress page - a short online exhibition of original vintage posters ending with the inspirational words of the Olympic Motto:
“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”
Browse the News & Events pages for more articles on vintage Olympic posters, including auctions and advice on collecting original Olympic posters (including these entries: Vintage Seekers on 25 April 2012, Christie's on 18 April 2012, Financial Times on 3 February 2012, BBC on 4 November 2011, The Independent on 31 August 2010 and the entry listed on 19 June for the Pallant House Gallery exhibition etc).
Latest News Article:
ATG Issue 2054 dated 25th August 2012 feature on London 2012 auctions includes a review of Olympic posters, "One poster sold for a low-estimate £4,200...for a Games that never really took place: the 1916 Olympics, cancelled because of the First World War... Another poster for a Games suspended because of war, that of Helsinki in 1940, was sold for a low-estimate of £2,000. An official poster for a Games that definitely took place, Paris 1924...made £7,200 against a £2,000-3,000 estimate."
Featured image: Munich Olympics Athletics 1972
Link: http://www.antikbar.co.uk/product_detail/?pId=1295