Subject - Military
- Night Without Mercy £175.00 /
- No Barriers Red Army Civil War USSR £2,500.00 /
- October Revolution Czechoslovakia Lenin £550.00 /
- October Revolution Motherland Glory USSR £450.00 /
- Officers USSR Soviet War Drama £450.00 /
- Officers USSR War Drama £450.00 /
- On The Arctic Front WWII Merchant Navy £750.00 /
- One Two Soldiers Were Going WWII £300.00 /
- Our Army Needs Metals WWI Recycling £1,200.00 /
- Our Women Are With Us USSR £1,450.00 /
- Parachute Regiment Recruitment UK £550.00 /
- People And Army United USSR £575.00 /
- Peoples Militia is Root of Victory £350.00 /