Subject - Communist
- Work 8 Hours Strengthen Motherland WWII USSR £3,500.00 /
- Work Battleground Victories USSR Soviet Worker £1,550.00 /
- Work Out USSR Sport Bodybuilding £950.00 /
- Work Quota Plan Moscow Construction Welder USSR £1,950.00 /
- Work Safety Electricity Grid USSR £200.00 /
- Work Today Better Than Yesterday USSR £550.00 /
- Workplace Relations Communist Team £550.00 /
- World Peace Mir USSR Children Flower £275.00 /
- World Peace USSR Fraternal Greetings £650.00 /
- WWII Komsomol Anniversary USSR £1,250.00 /
- WWII Valenki Well Dressed Fighters USSR £750.00 /
- Yalta And Sochi USSR Seaside Resorts Intourist £1,500.00 /
- You Will Live Happily USSR WWII £750.00 /
- You Will Live Happily WWII USSR £950.00 /
- Young Firefighters Soviet Union £250.00 /
- Young Labour Guard USSR Cold War £225.00 /
- Your Name Is Komsomol USSR £220.00 /
- Youth Break New Ground USSR £750.00 /
- Youth Join the China Air Force WWII £1,250.00 /