For the Military History Buff
- People And Army United USSR £575.00 /
- Peoples Militia is Root of Victory £350.00 /
- Pilotes D'Avions Air Force Pilots £2,750.00 /
- Pioneer Diligent Student Discipline USSR £450.00 /
- Plan and Grow for Winter WWII £450.00 /
- Plane Mechanics WWII Nazi Axster Heudtlass £1,200.00 /
- Pour La Patrie Algeria Tunisia WWI War Loan £1,250.00 /
- Practice Skills Defend Motherland £450.00 /
- Prince Heinrich Flight Race Prinz Heinrich Flug £7,750.00 /
- Put Out Waste Paper Ammunition WWII £350.00 /
- Queen Of Bermuda Adolph Treidler £2,900.00 /
- Queens Own Cameron Highlanders £450.00 /
- Quiet Stop Needless Noise WWII £350.00 /
- Radiosport ARDF Radio Operator DOSAAF £350.00 /
- RAF Over The Atlantic Royal Air Force WWII £1,750.00 /
- Railroads Ahead Of The Game WWI USA £450.00 /
- Rally Round The Flag Recruitment WWI UK £250.00 /