For the Military History Buff
- Help Madrid Win Spanish Civil War Pedrero £5,500.00 /
- Help Scotland's Harvest WWII £350.00 /
- Heroes On The Somme WWI Hungary £1,200.00 /
- His Rifle Will Fire WWII Abram Games £1,550.00 /
- Hit Back With Your War Savings WWII £350.00 /
- Hitler Coil Man WWII Artzybashev £950.00 /
- Hitler Survive Before Thrive WWII £575.00 /
- Home Fires WWII British Railways Kitten £550.00 /
- Home Front Army WII Canada Recycling £950.00 /
- Home Front Parcels British Railways WWII £450.00 /
- Homeland Stalin Tank Soldier USSR WWII £3,250.00 /
- Honour Fearless Leningrad Siege WWII USSR £1,250.00 /
- Horse Play With Weapons WWII Abram Games £2,500.00 /
- I Gave A Man War Bonds WWII £450.00 /
- If You Can Use Tools You Are Wanted WWI £450.00 /
- In The Fight WWII USA Food For Freedom £450.00 /
- Independence Day USA France WWI £350.00 /
- Infinite Enemy Family Honour Freedom USSR WWII £2,450.00 /
- Inspired Workers Soviet Motherland £1,250.00 /
- Invest WWI V Victory £750.00 /