- Soviet School Boy Cosmonaut Science Education £1,750.00 /
- Soviet Soldier Always Alert £325.00 /
- Soviet System Equality Of Nations £300.00 /
- Soviet Turist Tourist Travel Routes £325.00 /
- Spend Wisely Electricity £200.00 /
- Sputnik Is Calling Travel Agency USSR £325.00 /
- Sputnik Travel Agency Invites Youth USSR £450.00 /
- Squadron Of Flying Hussars £120.00 /
- Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Episode VI £250.00 /
- State Control Socialism Lenin USSR £250.00 /
- Station For Two Vokzal Dlia Dvoikh £550.00 /
- Study Communism Books Lenin Library £250.00 /
- Swimmer £350.00 /
- Tank Battle Vehicle Crew WWII Drama £250.00 /
- Telephone Ktas Exhibition Design £260.00 /
- Tennis International Junior Tournament £1,250.00 /
- Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger £950.00 /
- The Clash Punk Rock Black Market Clash £1,750.00 /
- The Cold Summer of 1953 £250.00 /
- The Dawns Here Are Quiet £250.00 /
- The Human Factor Graham Greene £550.00 /
- The Jungle Book £350.00 /