- Victory in Unity Lenin Fist £450.00 /
- Vincent Van Gogh Art Exhibition £450.00 /
- Virgin Soil Upturned Sholokhov £220.00 /
- Visit Goa India £1,750.00 /
- Visit Hungary Pictorial Map £950.00 /
- Visit The Arab States £5,750.00 /
- Visit The USSR In Winter Intourist Rocket £1,750.00 /
- Visit Vidin Bulgaria Balkantourist £450.00 /
- Visitez L'URSS En Auto VW Intourist USSR £1,750.00 /
- Volkswagen Beetle 12 Million £750.00 /
- Volkswagen Beetle Hole In The Roof £1,750.00 /
- Voyage to the End of the Universe £375.00 /
- Watch Out For The Automobile (Russian) £325.00 /
- Watch Out For The Automobiles (English) £550.00 /
- We Are Ahead On The Space March USSR £3,250.00 /
- We Are for Peace on the Planet £275.00 /
- We Are Ready To Push Back Aggressors £575.00 /
- We Create Miracles USSR £375.00 /