- Train for the Military Service £250.00 /
- Tristeza On Guitar Baden Powell Jazz £750.00 /
- Tsurugi Shishiku Japan Highland Skiing £2,750.00 /
- Tunisia Tunis Air Africa £550.00 /
- TWA The Orient David Klein £550.00 /
- Two Comrades Were Serving £275.00 /
- Two Comrades Were Serving Civil War £175.00 /
- Two Sundays Soviet Drama Film £250.00 /
- Uganda Heart Of Africa £750.00 /
- Union Elections Call Spain £575.00 /
- Unity Communism Marx Lenin £375.00 /
- USA Aer Lingus Irish International Airlines £1,450.00 /
- USSR Border Enemy Will Not Pass £750.00 /
- USSR Borders Are Sacred And Untouchable £350.00 /
- Valera Fisherman Boy USSR £450.00 /
- Vendee France Gondola £500.00 /
- Venice Italy Sabena £900.00 /
- Victory in Unity Lenin Fist £450.00 /