- Fly There By BOAC Airline Far East Asia £1,200.00 /
- Fly to Japan by BOAC Wootton £2,200.00 /
- Fly To London With BEA BOAC £750.00 /
- Fly To The Caribbean By BOAC Wootton £2,250.00 /
- Fly Your Cargo By CSA Midcentury £750.00 /
- Flying Dance Coventry Aviation Group £850.00 /
- Football Nation Favourite Game USSR £1,250.00 /
- Football Team From Our Street £350.00 /
- Foreign Letter Postage Rate GPO £175.00 /
- Forward Royal Highland Fusiliers £450.00 /
- France Happy Holidays SNCF Eiffel Tower £320.00 /
- France Map SNCF National French Railway £450.00 /
- French Air Force Armee France Nord 2501 £450.00 /
- French Alps Train Railways £450.00 /
- French Riviera Cote d'Azur Ceria SNCF £625.00 /