- Engagez Vous Indochine Colonial Troops £950.00 /
- Farmers Of Siberia Wheat USSR £550.00 /
- Fascisti Repubblicani WWII Italy £450.00 /
- Feeding 45 Millions Markets WWII £950.00 /
- Feeding 45 Millions Transport WWII £950.00 /
- Feeding 45 Millions Unloading WWII £950.00 /
- Fifth Ocean £650.00 /
- Fight For Freedom Half Slave Free WWII £550.00 /
- Fill That Gap WWII Armament Work £200.00 /
- Find Your War Job WWII USA Home Front £650.00 /
- First Mounted Division £750.00 /
- Fish Is A Fighting Food WWII £950.00 /
- Five Year Plan Lenin Stalin £700.00 /
- Flims Graubunden Grisons Ski Switzerland £3,750.00 /
- Flying Coffins WWII Anti Allied £2,750.00 /
- Food Is A Weapon Home Front USA WWII £450.00 /
- Football National Sport Ukraine £1,500.00 /
- For A Free Homeland Militia WWII USSR £1,700.00 /
- For The Defence Of The Motherland WWII USSR £2,200.00 /
- Forward Defeat German Invaders WWII £260.00 /