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Summer Health and Fitness - Original Vintage Sport Posters

AntikBar's latest blog post

[via our WordPress blog page:]


If you want to be like this, work out!

Feeling motivated by one of our recent additions, here are a few of our original vintage posters from around the world promoting a healthy and fit lifestyle through a variety of sports (click on the images for more information):

PS0577_1_m   PS0039_1_m
After work to the stadium!

PS0650_1_m  PS0681_1_m

PS0539_1_m  PS0707_1_m

PS0349_1_m  PS0700_1_m

PP0388_1_m   PS0597_1_m
To fresh air!

PS0627_1_m  PS0515_1_m

Health, strength, will – to our motherland!

PS0166_1_m  PS0324_1_m

PS0569_1_m  PS0629_1_m

PS0669_1_m  PS0716_1_m

Sport all year round!

PS0683_1_m  PS0676_1_m
Cycling prepares you for skiing

Browse our website at to view all our sporting posters and more, including these posters for improving your health, fitness and strength:

PA1529_1_m  PA1420_1_m


Visit our website at to view all our original vintage posters from around the world (cinema, travel, advertising, sport, war, propaganda), available online with worldwide delivery, or visit us at our gallery:

AntikBar – Original Vintage Posters
404 King’s Road, London SW10 0LJ

For more News & Events, images and updates, follow us on:


AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), the London Art Deco Society (LADS) and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).



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