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Propaganda: Power and Persuasion

British Library Exhibition, 17 May - 17 September

The British Library will be hosting a "Propaganda: Power and Persuasion" exhibition from 17 May to 17 September. Visit for full details. 

"What have the Olympics, Chairman Mao and matchboxes got in common? Who portrayed Margaret Thatcher as Napoleon, and why? Is propaganda public information or misinformation, and do we need it?

From safe sex to dictatorships, from the iconic to the everyday, Propaganda: Power and Persuasion is the first exhibition to explore how different states have used propaganda during the 20th and 21st centuries, in peace-time and in war. Posters, films, cartoons and textbooks reveal the many ways by which the state tries to influence its citizens.

Exploring a surprising range of exhibits from around the world, you will be challenged to look critically at messages, methods, and media, discovering more about the use of propaganda through time and across cultures."


Featured Image: Over Here - Over There, 1944 


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