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Original Vintage Poster Auction - Summer Sale

Don't miss our next online auction on 26 June 2021

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is antikbar-vintageposter-auction26june2021.jpg  Our next auction will be held on Saturday 26 June, starting online at 2pm (UK time). This auction features a wide variety of original vintage posters from around the world including travel, advertising, sport, war, propaganda and movie posters.

View our catalogue and register to bid online in advance via: 

— Invaluable at  
— Live Auctioneers at  
— The Saleroom at  

Please note: there will be no preview before this auction. Our popular Lot of the Day features are featured on our social media (links below) and on this page in the lead up to the auction. We offer in-house postage worldwide for items won in our auctions. Click here for more information. 

Lot Of The Day

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Post-Auction News:

  Collector’s old posters have never lost appeal: “It’s hard not to be drawn to vintage posters of St Andrews, especially the stunner painted by Gilbert Dunlop for British Rail in the 1950s. A good example appeared at a recent online sale organised by AntikBar Original Vintage Posters of London… Estimated at £375-750, sold for £800.” (The Courier, Angus & Dundee)



AntikBar – Original Vintage Posters,
404 King’s Road, London SW10 0LJ



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