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Original Vintage Poster Auction ft. Cuban Propaganda & Movie Posters

AntikBar's next Auction - Saturday 30 September

AntikBar Auction September Banner

Our next Original Vintage Poster Auction of over 400 posters includes a unique collection of 1960-1970s Cuban propaganda and movie posters in addition to a wide variety of posters covering all subjects from around the world – travel, cinema, sport, advertising, war, propaganda. New and experienced collectors and dealers will benefit from our low starting prices with no reserves.


The auction preview will be open at our gallery from Wednesday 27 September to 12 noon on Saturday 30 September. The auction will start online at 3pm (UK time) on Saturday 30 September.

View our catalogue and register to bid via:

– LiveAuctioneers
– The Saleroom

Please contact us if you would like any further information.


Lot of the Day:

LA MardiGras  TS ColmansMustard
LA MOMA  TS SriLanka
LA CarnivalOnIce  TS CubaPerez
LA WinterSchool
TS OperaMunich  LA SocieteGenerale
TS TinTin
LA EMBlion  LA CubaDragons
LA Lawyer  TS SwanSoap
TS Friday13
TS 8March  LA FranceBoat
TS Battle of Britain  TS CubaExhibition
TS CarryOn
F1 Set
LA Swans


Antiques Trade Gazette (p46):
ATG Auction30Sep17


Auction Preview – all the original vintage posters listed in our auction are now on display at our gallery until 12noon on Saturday:



Visit our website at to view all our original vintage posters from around the world (cinema, travel, advertising, sport, war, propaganda), available online with worldwide delivery, or visit us at our gallery:

AntikBar – Original Vintage Posters
404 King’s Road, London SW10 0LJ

For more News & Events, images and updates, follow us on:


AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), the London Art Deco Society (LADS) and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).



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