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Original Vintage Poster Auction featuring WWI & Polish Design

AntikBar's next live online auction - Saturday 10 November

Our upcoming auction of over 500 lots features original vintage posters issued during World War One and a significant collection of Polish design posters from the 1960-70s, in addition to a wide variety of travel, sport, advertising, propaganda, war and movie posters from around the world. This live online auction will start at 3pm (UK time) on Saturday 10 November.

View our catalogue and register to bid via: 

Live Auctioneers
The Saleroom

The auction preview will be open at our gallery from Wednesday 7 November to 1pm on Saturday 10 November. Our Lot of the Day features in the lead up to this auction will be posted below and on our social media pages nearer the time: 


LasVegasTWA DavidKlein  2 ADACRennenNurburgring SetOf3CarRacingPosters  
3 Gleneagles LMS Wilkinson
4 BritonsYourCountryNeedsYou WWI  5 Spring Mucha
6 ThoseMagnificentMenInTheirFlyingMachines  7 Churchill WWII
8 AnchorLine
9 MagicKarmi JosephHallworth  10 NorthernWinterGames Olympics1922
11 Paris MarcChagall 
12 TheFruitsOfVictory WWI  13 UnearthlyStories Czechoslovakia Starowieyski
14 DefenseNationale WWI
15 JamesBond LiveAndLetDie 007  16 BillGraham Concert 
17 RedRidingHood TheatrePantomime  18 FrankLloydWright 
19 SovietArmyNavyAirForce
20 BewarePoison ROSPA  21 PolandSkiing
22 MercedesBenz220
23 YWCA24 JimiHendrix Swierzy
25 USNavy WWI  26 VisitIndia TajMahal
27 AlbertKlijn
28 CasinoDeParis  29 RussianWarLoan WWI 
AntikBar Poster Auction 3pm 10November


ATG AntikBar Poster Auction 10November2018  Auction Preview featuring our 1897 Art Nouveau decorative advertising poster by Louis John Rhead in the Antiques Trade Gazette (Issue 2365 p.28)

AntikBar AuctionPreview PosterAuction 7Nov18 The preview for our Original Vintage Poster Auction is open at our gallery until 1pm on Saturday 10 November. This live online auction will start at 3pm (UK time) on LiveAuctioneersInvaluable and TheSaleroom on 10 November.

ATGNovember2018  “The horror of gas” One of the original WWI posters from our recent auction has been featured this week by the Antiques Trade Gazette “The centenary of the Armistice has been marked by the appearance of some poignant lots at auction revealing the human cost…” (issue 2368, p21)

Visit our website at to browse our whole collection of original vintage posters from around the world (including travel, sport, advertising, cinema, war, propaganda), available online with worldwide delivery and at our gallery:

AntikBar - Original VIntage Posters
404 King's Road, London SW10 0LJ

For more News & Events, images and updates, follow us on:


AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), UK Posters Network, London Art Deco Society (LADS) and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).



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