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Intra-European Cooperation Posters for the 1948 Marshall Plan

Feature on our series of posters produced for the European Recovery Program

[originally featured on our Facebook and WordPress pages:]

PP1034  NEW! We’ve just uploaded a series of original vintage posters produced for the post-war US sponsored European Recovery Program (1948) Marshall Plan. These designs were all submitted for the Intra-European Cooperation for a Better Standard of Living poster competition on the theme of cooperation and economic recovery that was held in Europe. Click on the image links for more information:

PP1038  PP1028

PP1045  PP1024

PP1029  PP1030

PP1031  PP1046

PP1042  PP1040

PP1039  PP1036

PP1025  PP1043

PP1037  PP1041

PP1026  PP1032

PP1035  PP1044

PP1033  PP1027


All our original vintage posters from around the world (propaganda, war, sport, travel, advertising and movie posters) are available online at with worldwide delivery and at our gallery:

AntikBar – Original Vintage Posters
404 King’s Road, London SW10 0LJ

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AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), UK Posters Network, London Art Deco Society, King’s Road Curve and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).



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