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In The Spotlight: Graphic Design & Poster Art Reference Books

Showcase featuring reference books and catalogues listed on

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A selection of reference books and catalogues on early poster art, advertising and graphic design during the late 19th and early 20th century featuring a variety of art movements and styles including Photomontage, Soviet Constructivism, Art Deco, Realism, Avant Garde, Industrial, Art Nouveau, Modernism, Psychedelic, and product advertising and exhibition artwork. Click on the image links below for more information:

Abram Games Graphic Designer 2003 Stenberg Brothers Exhibition Catalogue 2015
The Complete Masters of the Poster 1990 The Art of the Fillmore 1966-1971 1997
Trade Advertising and Packaging in Russia 19-20 century 1993 See USSR Intourist Posters And The Marketing Of The Soviet Union 2013
The Queen Mary a Book of Comparisons 1936
Soviet Graphic Arts 1963 Almanach der Allrussischen Ausstellung für Landwirtschaft und Heimindustrie 1923
Russian Graphic Design 1880-1917 1997 Salon International Du Livre D'Art International Art Book Fair 1931
Collection of Hungarian Poster Reproductions 1959 Gypromez Bulletin Bulleten Gypromeza 1929
Railroads Eisenbahnen 1952
Lenin and Leninism 1928The Power of the Poster 1998
Russian Constructivism Exhibition Laboratory Period 1975 Koretsky The Soviet Photo Posters 1930-1984 2012
Samples of Graphic Design 2005
Film Posters of the Russian Avant-Garde 1995 For more updates, follow @AntikBarBooks on Facebook at: 

AntikBar Books focuses on book design and related ephemera from the 1920s and 1930s covering the major art movements including Bauhaus, Constructivism, Art Deco and Modernism, many featuring photographs and artwork by notable artists of the period. Items include antique and vintage theatre brochures, travel books, reference magazines and other publications. 

[Note: this website is currently a work in progress with more items being uploaded every week. The prices and details will be completed soon on any items listed at £999. If you would like more information on any item, or if you would like to visit us to view any item, please contact us in advance via]

Address: AntikBar, 404 King’s Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0LJ
Telephone: +44 (0) 207 352 9309

Antikbar Books:
AntikBar Original Vintage Posters:


AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), UK Posters Network, London Art Deco Society, King’s Road Curve and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).


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