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In The Spotlight: Cultural Revolution Propaganda Posters

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The Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976) was launched by the founding father of the Chinese Communist Party, Chairman Mao (Mao Zedong; 1893-1976), following the political and economic failure of his Great Leap Forward campaign (1958-1962).

PP1063_1_m  Unite for Victory (1971)

Dynamic propaganda posters were produced to reach the masses, often featuring images of the leader with workers, soldiers, large red flags and slogans in bold red text.

 Below are a few of our original vintage posters from the period (click on the images for more information):

PP0598_1_m  PP0602_1_m 
Charge Courageously (1965)   Wipe Out The Enemy (1965)

PP0603_1_m  PP0601_1_m 
PLA: Be A Fierce Tiger On Land, Flood Dragon On Water (1965)

PP0668_1_m  PP0472_1_m 
Unite Against US Aggression (1970) People’s Militia Victory (1970)

PP0509_1_m  PP0703_1_m 
Landscape Surveyors (1972)   Young Athletes (1970s) 

PP0508_1_m  PP0637_1_m 
Rigorous Military Training (1972)   The Road Of Dazhai (1965)

PP0550_1_m  PP0610_1_m 
New Strides In Agriculture (1977)  Sino-Soviet Border Conflict (1970)


Visit our website at for more original vintage Chinese propaganda posters and to browse our variety of other posters from around the world (travel, sport, propaganda, war, advertising and movie posters), available online with worldwide delivery and at our gallery:

AntikBar – Original Vintage Posters
404 King’s Road, London SW10 0LJ 


PA1690_1_m  For more News & Events, images and updates, follow us on:


AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), UK Posters Network, London Art Deco Society, King’s Road Curve and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).


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