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In the Spotlight: American World War One Posters

AntikBar's latest blog post

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100 years ago, in April 1917, the American Congress voted to declare war on Germany, followed by a declaration of war against Austria-Hungary in December 1917.

PP0325_1_m  Although keen to remain neutral and keep out of the war, America had started to build up its military forces as a defensive measure following the sinking of the Lusitana in 1915 by a German U-boat, killing 128 American citizens. In 1917 German submarines resumed sinking ships crossing the Atlantic, including American merchant ships, and President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to “make the world safe for democracy” by voting in favour of war.

Joining the war as an independent power, the U.S. provided supplies, raw materials and war loans, and sent soldiers to join the allied forces on the Western Front in 1918. Their involvement ultimately led to a victorious end to WW1 in November 1918.

PW0278_1_m  At home, Americans were encouraged to help with the war effort by increasing the production of munitions and food supply to support the country and troops. A nation-wide propaganda campaign to educate and enforce a sense of patriotism across the whole population included speeches at public gatherings, news articles and the display of posters.

Most of these posters were torn down and destroyed after the war; those that did survive now form an important part of social history.

Here is our current collection of American World War One posters (click on the images for more information):

PW0080_1_m  PW0239_1_m

PW0276_1_m  PW0262_1_m

PW0277_1_m  PW0286_1_m

PW0194_1_m  PW0035_1_m

PW0242_1_m  PW0248_1_m

PW0279_1_m  PW0269_1_m


Visit our website at to browse all our original vintage posters from around the world (cinema, travel, advertising, sport, war, propaganda), or visit us at our gallery:

AntikBar – Original Vintage Posters
404 King’s Road, London SW10 0LJ

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AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), the London Art Deco Society (LADS) and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).



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