Don't miss our Upcoming Events! Scroll down for links and more information:
Christmas on the King’s Road Curve: Enjoy a family-friendly sing-along walk on the Curve for the festive window displays and Christmas songs, including our Frosty the Snowman song and decorations! Info: KingsRoadCurve.co.uk and AntikBar.co.uk
More information on our 2022 events will be posted on our website and social media nearer the time. Join our newsletter mailing list to keep updated, and follow us on:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/antikbar.co.uk
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AntikBar
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/AntikBar
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AntikBar.co.uk
(+ AntikBar Books: www.facebook.com/AntikBarBooks)
WordPress: https://antikbarposters.wordpress.com/
AntikBar – Original Vintage Posters,
404 King’s Road, London SW10 0LJ
AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), UK Posters Network, London Art Deco Society, King’s Road Curve and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).