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Bright and Beautiful: Classic Travel Posters

AntikBar featured by Harrods Aviation Halcyon magazine

AntikBar has been featured in the latest Harrods Aviation Halcyon magazine

"With their vibrant colours, inspired designs and insights into an often-vanished world, classic travel posters are gaining in popularity among collectors... the [early 1920s to the late 1940s] golden age of travel all over the world was a very strong period graphically. And it was a glamorous time; travelling was very expensive, especially by plane, but also by ship. So the posters had to appeal to a certain clientele, they had to look luxurious and inviting. They had to be very glamourous..."

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is harrodsaviation-halcyonmagazine-2017-3-pp92-96.jpg  Click here to read more (issue 2017-3, Collecting pages 92-93, article by Eugene Costello) and browse our extensive collection of original vintage posters from around the world at 



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