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Article on Travel Posters

AntikBar featured by Period Living

PeriodLiving Sept2017 p34-36

A few of our original vintage travel posters are featured in the latest Period Living magazine in their article on Travel Posters by BBC Antiques Roadshow specialist Marc Allum who "takes a nostalgic look at these illustrative works of art" (September 2017 issue, pp34-36)

Pick up a copy of the magazine to read the full article and visit to browse all our original vintage posters from around the world, or visit us at our gallery:

AntikBar - Original Vintage Posters 
404 King's Road, London SW10 0LJ


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AntikBar is a Member of the International Vintage Poster Dealers’ Association (IVPDA), the London Art Deco Society (LADS) and The Association of Art and Antiques Dealers (LAPADA).



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